/BCO-DMO/LipidLubeCarbCycle/KN207-03_ctd --time_start eq 0852-- Level 1

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# CTD profiles from cruise KN207-03
# PI: Kay Bidle (Rutgers)
# Version: 08 Feb 2013
# Notes: 
#  BCO-DMO added cast, date, time_start, lat_start, lon_start from
#  the CTD file headers.
#  SUNA output is volts on 0-5V scale. SUNA range was set to 0-20uM
#  for casts 1-17 and was changed to 0-40uM for casts 18-98.
cast  date      time_start  lat_start  lon_start  ISO_DateTime_UTC          
15    20120621  0852        48.2220    -28.7765   2012-06-21T08:52:00Z      
press     depth     temp      temp2     cond       cond2       sal       sal2       O2_v     O2         trans     beam_c      fluor    turbidity  par         spar        nitrate_SUNA  sigma_0   sigma_0_2  potemp    potemp2   sal_diff    temp_diff   cond_diff   O2sat       sound_vel  geopot_anom  
nd        nd        nd        nd        nd         nd          nd        nd         nd       nd         nd        nd          nd       nd         nd          nd          nd            nd        nd         nd        nd        nd          nd          nd          nd          nd         nd